

Практически любая игра развивает играющего - ему предстоит каждый раз ознакомиться с новым миром, прочустваовать его механнику, иногда приобрести новые навыки... Игры специально заточенные под обучение могут предать этому часто занудному процессу динамику, зрелищность, атмосферу и аддиктивность

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Геймеры проводят тысячи часов своего времени анализируя новые ситуации, взаимодействуя с неизвестными для них персонажами, решая проблемы быстро и самостоятельно.

Онр получают опыт в упрощенных моделях мира фокусируясь на себе и собственных ресурсах. При этом получают мгоновенную обратную связь.

Разве это не оптимально в качестве среды для обучения? Особенно если сравнивать игры с просмотром ТВ, шоппингом и многоими другими формами время провождения, которые начинают вытеснять игры... даже если сравнивать с командными видами спорта. Навыки которые получают геймеры более релевантны проффесиональной деятельности.

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Games, Interactive Software and Game Techniques to Enhance Teaching and Learning

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18 марта 2007
Игры в школе


Tim Rylands использует Myst для обучения школьников - особенно привлекательна фича позволяющая делать скриншоты с комментариями (вести дневник - где я был прошлым виртуальным детом)

Tim Rylands strategically uses Myst games to support literacy and communication skills and to facilitate whole-class discussion. He regularly focuses his lessons around Myst Exile, due to the compounding realism of the game as well as the fantastical elements that help to inspire his pupils and improve their metaphorical skills.

Rylands' innovative work has lead to a number of achievements, such as the school being commended for the 'value added' levels that is has achieved. Rylands was also awarded the prestigious BECTA ICT in Practice Award 2005, for which he had to demonstrate a clear understanding of the role ICT can play in teaching as well as showing how ICT in a subject context can raise educational standards.

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30 апреля 2007
Игры в медицине


A study by Dr. Bryan Raudenbush at the Wheeling Jesuit University has indicated that video games can be an effective method of distracting from pain, if not actually relieving it. Raudenbush has completed a study, called "Effects of Video Game Play on Pain Threshold and Tolerance," that examines the psychological effect of games on pain sufferers.

Статье требуется автор

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This is Tanya Jessen's story of how she lost 95lbs,
not through conventional diet and exercise but by playing the video game, Dance Dance Revolution™ (DDR). Tanya started playing DDR 4 years ago when she was 17 and enjoyed it so much that it became a regular activity.

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Tactical IraqiTM is a computer-based, self-paced, learning program that in about 80 hours teaches English-speaking people totally unfamiliar with Iraqi Arabic how to speak enough to accomplish tasks and missions in Arabic.

Tactical Iraqi is ideal for military and civilian personnel who must rapidly train to accomplish missions that involve interacting with Iraqis but who are not linguists, don’t already speak Arabic and don’t have time to take immersive language training courses.

Tactical Iraqi is a fundamentally new approach for teaching language. It works for virtually everyone, from high-aptitude learners to those who think they aren’t good at learning languages.

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In Explorations: Sea Lions, the audience is given an active role in researching the cause of the decline in the population of sea lion pups. The virtual researchers collect relevant information and play simulations to support or disprove a scientific hypothesis - all in a fun and entertaining way.

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Great and unique learning game for kids! It teaches the child basic commands of a programming language, such as "if", "else", "switch", and introduces variable "x" concept.

The child calculates number of steps in the move, including addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication of small numbers. The game helps to develop understanding of a complete computer program, formed by logical sequences of commands.

This game eliminates intimidation of many kids and their parents, bored by the mention of "computer programming", often associated with visions of geeky guys glued to their computers. c-jump reveals simple programming terms in a cool way!

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24 сентября 2006
Wild Divine


Playing Wild Divine involves exploring a lush 3-D world with waterfalls, elaborate gardens, spiritual guides, and a menagerie of grazing llamas and white wolves. The pace is reminiscent of the pioneering game Myst: slow and entirely free of violence. Solving puzzles or passing special tests allows you to enter new areas.
The real fun comes from those biofeedback sensors. If you succeed in changing your state, you pass the test and can advance. Wild Divine uses the spiritual language of "energy flows" and "heart breath" to describe those changes, but underneath that vocabulary are real physiological events tracked by the sensors. The more you play the game, the easier it becomes to lower the electrical resistance of your fingertips on command.

•Learn new breathing and meditation techniques
•Reduce stress and improve relaxation
•Create a renewed sense of balance and wellness

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6 июля 2006
Игры - тесты


Игры могут успешно применяться как средство для тестирования знаний, навыков и таланта...

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Данная публикация находится в стадии сбора фактологического материала.

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Список участников
Интернет забавы
Мобильные игры
Медиа игры
Настольные игры
Театральные игры
Спортивные игры
Необычные игры
Публикации и ресурсы
Научное сообщество
Смежные науки
Прикладные аспекты
Шоу-бизнес и игры
Игры и бизнес
Игровая индустрия
Идеи и инновации
Теория инноваций
Концепции и идеи
Игры и социум
Творчество игроков
Творчество разработчиков
Движения и сообщества
Игровые СМИ
Игры как искусство
Игры и культура
Виртуальная жизнь
Игры и государство

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