Serious Games (Peter Molyneux keynoting)

British e-government has commissioned some games around teaching kids about democracy and basic politics; the launch bash is at the Science Museum, to the deputy PM and everything.

Sim civics
New game-like computer software is empowering ordinary citizens to help design better cities. Can the professionals and the public learn to play well together?

A political game is a game in which players simulate a government running a country. This is sometimes used in education, often to increase students' interest in politics. Some games operate much like the traditional legislative government, relying on building consensuses to get things done. This includes: Nomic -- a game played by changing its own rules Democracy -- A game that simulates the running of a dozen different real world countries. Players need to build consensus across a range of different voter groups in order to be re-elected at the end of each term. The game is based upon a complex neural network that models individual voters who may belong to a number of different population groups simultaneously. The Politics Game -- a game simulating a parliamentary democracy, in which any user active enough in discussion is allowed to form a party and discuss issues of the day in Parliament which effect the day to day running of the game/forum. Notable for being run entirely on the phpBB forum system rather than an actual game system. Senate Seeker -- a game simulating the United States government in which members of the prominent American political parties (and third parties) compete for the Senate and House of Representatives. The game includes active forums, discussion, Bill proposals and a working Supreme Court. The game is entirely text based and free. Also, one thing that makes this game different from the others is that it does not use forums for any official aspect of the game. The running for office and proposing of bills is all done in a turn-based PHP environment. Extremapol -- a game simulating the Spanish parliamentary democracy, in which you can play as a major party member (PSOE, PP, IU) asturian, castillan, catalonian, galician and basque nationalists and a lot of other "third parties" like the neofascists "Frente Espa?ol" or the liberal "Uni?n Liberal Republicana" . The game includes not only the Congress of the Deputies (Low Chamber of the Spanish democracy) but also the 17 autonomic parliaments. The game is entirely text based and free.

Learn Music *and* Accounting.... in new game

High school and college students who wonder what it would be like to run a record company may now get a taste through a new online game produced by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA). Link:

The Turnaround Game asks the players to develop a winning proposal to save an ailing record company called BigNoizz. The interactive game introduces students not only to the music industry, but to the wider experience of the business world -- specifically, that of the CPA.

Деловая игра - это новый инструмент в обучении сотрудников на рынке современного бизнес - образования. Компании ЕВМ проводит деловые игры с 2003 года и имеет большой опыт в их авторской разработке. Среди заказчиков деловых игр выступили такие компании, как инвестиционная компания 'Интеррос', холдинговая компания 'Фаэтон', Северо-Западный банк Сбербанка РФ, ОАО 'Промстройбанк', ОАО 'Северо-Западный Телеком', Страховая компания '21 век', 'Центр Учета и Аудита', ассоциация ювелиров '6 карат', Благотворительный Фонд Владимира Потанина.

Игра - это инструмент многовариантный, позволяющий достигать различных целей. Поэтому очень важно изначально определиться с типом деловой игры, который зависит от того, какова цель игры, зачем она нужна, каким образом работает на краткосрочные и долгосрочные цели самой компании.