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Очень затягивающая стратегическая игра - комбинация Master of Orion, Diplomacy и Magic The Gathering Online

MMORTS - массовая стратегии в реальном режиме времени

  • Sovereign - проект SOE так и не увидевший свет
  • Nexon - www.nexon.net
  • Ballerium - www.ballerium.ru
  • Jump Gate - www.jossh.com
  • Andromeda Online - www.andromedaonline.net
  • Eshchatononline - www.Eshchatononline.com
  • Time of Defiance - www.nicelycrafted.com/todc

Savage - комбинация MMORPG RTS с FPS



A botched attempt to meld Descent-like graphics and action with a semblance of real-time strategy, Virus: The Game fails by a wide margin to deliver on its promise. Its gameplay objective, hunting down and destroying viruses in your hard drive files, has generated some extra, unwarranted ink, but those reporters obviously did not play this game.

Harmonix is an independent game development company based in Cambridge, MA. The company specializes in music-based videogames, and we are renowned for groundbreaking design innovation.


Guitar Hero is a rhythm game played using a guitar peripheral. Whereas the design of the main game is fairly traditional (press the buttons at the right times in sync with the music), Harmonix also experimented with a freestyle play mode.

They described the ways they tried to make it easy for novices to play good-sounding music, and explained why they cut this mode from the final product (though it may come back in a future game).
