Disclaimer: Данная публикация находится в стадии сбора фактологического материала. Будем признательны за получение любой информации касающейся данной темы.

речь прежде всего здесь пойдет об отличиях в позиционировании, рекламе, цензуре игровых продуктов

c журнале gameland вышла большая статья посвященная именно цензуре - "Трудности перевода"
смысл в том что в первую очередь при локализации японских игр в америку и европу смягчались эротические мотивы, заменялся алгокоголь, свастика, а так же кресты и другие религилнзные символы...

Word is that the Chinese government is working on regulating MMOGs so anybody playing more than three hours in a row will be punished in-game

Imagine if the authorities could set time limits on your reading, listening to music, or anything else


Playing with Culture:
Gaming Across the Pacific Rim
by Christopher Head

An American gamer walking into a Japanese arcade would probably find themselves quite confused. At first glance, everything appears as it should be; Flashing screens, deafening sounds, and a token machine in the corner, waiting for your cash. After one converts their bills into the ubiquitous golden funny money, tokens, they may notice something has gone awry: The games they re so used to are nowhere to be found. There isn t a single Centipede machine! In its place, however, there is a game in which the player can take the place of a percussionist in a virtual band. In fact, not only are the games different in theme, but many of them don t even have a joystick, the staple control scheme Americans expect to find on just about every arcade game and are instead replaced by guitars, bongos, and dance-pads.

So this would support the idea that the Japanese are more spiritual & sophisticated. But if you check out the Backyard Wrestling cover, it looks a bit different. Not that Backyard Wrestling is the epitome of taste and sophistication, but still.


Существуют и региональные жанры и феномены
в россии это браузерные игры http://www.ludology.ru/item/279
в японии http://www.jrpg.org/

For most of the last 3,000 years, the Chinese were the planet's most technologically advanced culture. They fell disastrously with the Industrial Revolution, but in this new century China is poised to regain its traditional lead - at least on the web. As of 2005, the CIA rated China the world's second-largest economy. China has also overtaken Japan as the second-largest internet market, with 111 million users online. At its current growth rate, China should pass the U.S. in internet usage in five or six years. By that time, the Chinese gaming biz - which started five years ago, is expected to gross $900 million this year, and is growing at 24% a year - will hit $2.1 billion.
