
Casual Games Association’s Europe: West 2007 please visit:
The Future Play conference focuses on three main themes. The first theme, future game development, addresses academic research and emerging industry trends in the area of game technology and game design. The second theme, future game impacts and applications, includes academic research and emerging industry trends focused on designing games for learning, for gender, for serious purposes, and to impact society. Finally, the third theme, future game talent, is designed to provide a number of industry and academic perspectives on the knowledge, skills, and attitude it takes to excel in the games industry.

The Game Developers Conference 2006
March 20-24
San Jose, California
@ the San Jose Convention Center

Casual Games conference for Europe

State of Play III: Social Revolutions is the third annual State of Play conference on the future of cyberspace convened by the Institute for Information Law & Policy at New York Law School, the Information Society Project at Yale Law School, and the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard Law School. This year, we focus on social relationships in the metaverse and how to build vibrant, flourishing, creative places.

Games Market Europe marks the advent of a new era in the European business. The event has been designed to get to the heart of the video and computer games industry, with a focus on a controlled environment in which people can actually network and do business.

Edinburg Interactive Entertainment Festival

Women in Games 2006 Conference
Aims of Women in Games
1. Give a voice to women in the games industry.
2. Analyse and monitor the role of women in the games industry.
3. Provide networking opportunities, especially for women developing and researching games.
4. Support and encourage students, researchers and developers to explore and redress the game industry's
gender imbalance.
5. Disseminate research into games (past, present and future), especially (but not exclusively) with reference
to the experience of women playing, developing and responding to games and game culture.
6. Disseminate information on the latest technologies and the best design and development practices.

Game Writers Conference

"Evergreen Events is pleased to announce the upcoming Sex in Video Games Conference: Exploring the Business of Digital Erotic Entertainment to be held June 8 and 9, 2006 at the Nob Hill Masonic Center in San Francisco, California. The conference is the first of its type and will be an annual event.The unique conference will focus on the design, development, and technology of sex in video games from a national as well as international perspective. In addition, this conference will also have a strong focus on business matchmaking and networking.

The Animex International Festival of Animation takes place every year in Middlesbrough in the North East of England. The festival has its roots firmly planted in the creative side of the animation business and acts to provide animators, directors, students, artists, designers, writers and educators with a forum in which they can share their knowledge and skills and promote the art of animation.


The computer game conference Aesthetics of Play took place 14 - 15 October 2005, arranged by the Department of Information Science and Media Studies at the University of Bergen, Norway. The AoP Online Proceedings include 14 contributions from the conference, including slides and video from Jon Dovey's keynote presentation.

The second annual Games, Learning & Society (GLS) Conference to be held June 15-16, 2006 in Madison, Wisconsin will explore such issues. Sponsored by the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Education and the Academic ADL Co-Lab, the GLS Conference fosters substantive discussion and collaboration among academics, designers, and educators interested in how videogames – commercial games and others – can enhance learning, culture, and education. Speakers, discussion groups, interactive workshops, and exhibits will focus on game design, game culture, and games’ potential for learning and society more broadly.

This symposium will address computer games, computer game play, and computer game players as analytically inseparable. What questions does this raise for the study of computer games as popular media texts or events; for theories of spectatorship and subjectivity in film and media studies or agency in the study of technoculture; for our understanding of distinctions between the human and the technological?

You're invited to the First Annual Sex & Video Games Conference to be held June 8 & 9th in San Francisco. Featuring two full, information-packed days with 30 of the adult and tech industry's leading figures, the Sex & Video Games conference is already shaping up to be one of the industry's premiere events.