The mission of Toy Industry Association, Inc. is to promote industry growth globally, to ensure the industry's right to market and manufacture fun, educational and safe products to all ages in a free and fair manner, and in so doing support the positive development of children.

Toy Industry Association, Inc. (TIA), founded in 1916, is the national New York City-based trade association for U.S. producers and importers of toys, games and children's entertainment products. Its 400+ members account for 85 percent of industry sales. Associate members include toy testing laboratories, design firms and professional inventors. Government, the trade, the media and consumers all recognize TIA as the authoritative voice of the U.S. toy industry.


TIA's Annual Meeting & Conference
Sunday-Tuesday, April 30-May 2, 2006
Sheraton Wild Horse Pass
Phoenix, AZ

American International Fall Toy Show™
TIA's Long-Lead Preview for Mass Merchandisers
Friday-Monday, October 20-23, 2006
Jacob K. Javits Convention Center and Showroom Locations, New York City

International Halloween Show™
A Long-Lead Preview for Mass Merchandisers
Monday, December 4 – Thursday, December 7, 2006
New York City

T.O.T.Y. (Toy of The Year) Awards Ceremony
Saturday, February 10, 2007
New York City

American International TOY FAIR®
TIA’s World Marketplace for Children’s Entertainment
Sunday-Wednesday, February 11-14, 2007
Jacob K. Javits Convention Center and Showroom Locations, New York City

ООО «Умные игры»

XII международная выставка
г. Москва, Гостиный двор, 3

Национальная ассоциация игрушечников России
г. Москва, ул.1905 года, д.10А
Тел. (495) 796-92-89

Ассоциация содействия образовательным и социокультурным проектам "Мир активного детства"
Фонд социальных инициатив "Умное Поколение"