Популярный автор начинает продавать свою книгу с автографом в виртуальном мирк SecondLife - перед нами новый формат издательства...

Right now Cory Doctorow is in Second Life and is just about to start signing copies of his book Someone Comes to Town Someone leaves town. It’s a futurists’ w37 dr34m.

Cory, of course, is awriter, Boing Boing’er, the book is SF, it's published free under a Creative Commons licence in a range of formats, in Second Life there was a contest to create a virtual version of the work, Cory’s avatar was created by an in-world designer, he’s being interviewed by Hamlett an ‘embedded’ journalist in a virtual space, and you can have the fricking thing signed, digitally, virtually.

omg my head is spinning.

10 points for the first person to form a decent, relevant proposition including the words simulacra, metaverse and Ramen.

[ed 23:13 bst] - all signed.

So, via Alice I read that Gorillaz are visiting the US Habbo Hotel next week (edit 22 Aug 05: in fact this is part of a virtual world tour starting today in the Japanese Habbo at 5pm