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Why play?

The growth and promotion of video games over the past two decades led many to believe that traditional card and boardgames would soon go the way of silent movies as a form of entertainment.
Far from it, the opposite has occurred: Spurred in part by the appearance of a new generation of "Designer" games in Europe, and fueled by a return to more traditional family-oriented activities in these troubled, uncertain times, board and card games are enjoying a remarkable renaissance in this new century. Many are (re)discovering the simple, yet immensely enjoyable pleasures these games can bring.
Here are a few points we thought you'd like to consider before venturing back into the remarkable world of boardgames:

A universal experience:
Board and card games are a universal pastime that can be shared by all, regardless of age or language barriers. It is one of the few shared experiences that can gather kids, parents and grand-parents together for an afternoon or evening of fun. As George Bernard Shaw so eloquently put it "We do not stop playing when we get old, we just get old when we stop playing".

A fun disconnect:
In a world of long working hours and constant pressures, and the mounting volume of modern-day mental noise, games offer a wonderful opportunity to be a pirate, courtesan or investigator for an hour, with nothing more at stake than a night of fun, far removed from the chores and worries of the day.

A pastime without constraints or limits:
Pick a box... open it... and savor the game at your own leisure and pace! At home or on the beach, on a rainy day or before dinner, for a moment or an evening, there are games for every place, time and crowd. Few entertainment genres offer similar flexibility.

A school of life:
Gaming, more than anything, is an opportunity to share good times with others. Some aspects nonetheless make it a valuable "school of life". Gaming, among others, can teach people to:

Handle adversity
Respect other people's time
Negotiate, lose, and win
Build strategies
Jog their own memory

A social activity:
Gaming is a terrific way to forge friendships and create a common social life. We rarely play alone making games an extraordinary opportunity to communicate with others. Gaming is a delightful social pastime that draws players into "unreal" situations that stimulate laughter, good humor and fraternity. Simply put, gaming is a way to have a good time with others.